You order a BNP in a patient with suspicion of heart failure. However the levels come back lower than you expect. Which of the following is a reason for the decreased BNP level?
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7 years 1 Answer 2287 views Verified User

The timed up and Go test is used to evaluate which of the following in the geriatric population? [A] Ability to follow commands [B] Risk of falling
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7 years 3 Answers 2715 views Verified User

Opioids have grown to be the greatest analgesics for most patients, especially with terminal illness. However their might be underdosed, due to concerns of which side effect? [A] Constipation
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7 years 4 Answers 3549 views Verified User

A 75 yr old male with a history of Parkinson’s, depression and seizure history was admitting in the hospital for dizziness. After one day of therapy he developed delirium. Which of the following medications has the highest risk ...
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7 years 4 Answers 3421 views Verified User