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Hydrocarbons are a heterogeneous group of organic substances that are primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen molecules. They are quite abundant in modern society. Some of the most commonly ingested hydrocarbons include gasoline, lubricating oil, motor oil, mineral spirits, lighter fluid/naphtha, lamp oil, and kerosene. [1] Other common sources of hydrocarbons include dry cleaning solutions, paint, spot remover, rubber cement, and solvents. In addition, many volatile substances that contain hydrocarbons (eg, glue, propellants) are commonly abused for their euphoric effects.[1] EPIDEMIOLOGY Hydrocarbon ingestion accounts ...

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Abdominal adhesions are pathological bands of scar tissue that forms between two previously separated structures within an abdomen. They may be between omentum, abdominal wall or intestinal loops. ETIOLOGY - Congenital or Acquired - Iotragenic; trauma, surgery or postinflammatory RISK FACTORS - Emergent surgeries - Lower GI procedures - H/o abdominal abscess, surgery or trauma CLINICAL FINDINGS - Crampy abdominal pain - Nausea and/or vomiting - Minimal to no flatus - Borborygmi (loud bowel sounds) - Abdominal distention and tenderness - Vitals: fever, tachycardia - Peritoneal signs; guarding, rebound and rigidity INVESTIGATIONS - WBC, Lactate, Electrolytes, BUN/Cr - ...

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Evidence based approach to diagnosing Migraines

The pretest probability of a patient presenting to a PCP with a complain of headache to be migraine is 6-15%. A meta analysis identified nausea, photophobia, phonophobia and exacerbation with physical activity to be best individual symptoms for ruling in or out migraine. The best predictor was nausea. Headache with nausea = increases likelihood of headache being migraine to 90% 5 Item ...

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FDA has recently approved the HPV vaccine (Gardasil 9) for adults, both men and women, aged 27 to 45 yrs. Dr Marks who is the director of FDA states that the vaccine has the potential to prevent more than 90% cases of cancers caused every year from the virus. CDC statistics report 14 million americans are affected every year; of which 12,000 are diagnosed and 4000 die from cervical cancer. The effectiveness of Gardasil was studied by a study of approximately ...

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