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APGAR scoring was intended as an evaluative measure of a newborn's condition at birth and of the need for immediate resuscitative or support care.The total score determines the status of the newborn7 - 10 ; Normal 4 - 6 ; Moderately depressed 0 - 3 ; Severely depressed

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Effectiveness of contraceptives depends on type of contraceptive used, from the famous TV show FRIENDS, we find that they tried to educate people that condoms are not effective 3% of the time, however it is actually not effective 18% of the time. Ranging from tacking periods to Reversible and Permanent contraception, here is a break down of which is effective and by how much!

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As most of you might be unaware, a state of emergency has been declared in certain counties in the US after more than 30 cases of measles have been reported in the state of Washington. Lets take this opportunity to learn more about measles, how to identify them, when to seek medical attention and how to prevent it from spreading. DEFINITIONMeasles is a highly communicable viral illness, characterized by a redish ...

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