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Scleral or Conjunctival pigmentation is a benign and common finding. [AdSense-B] EPIDEMIOLOGYMostly common in light skilled individuals.  RISK FACTORS- Light skinned individuals CLINICAL FEATURES- Stable appearance over time, if change - then suspect melanoma DIAGNOSISBiopsy is the mainstay of diagnosis  MANAGEMENTMonitoring - if appearance and size is stable- if there is any change, refer to ophthalmologist for biopsy and to ...

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Pterygium is a benign growth of fibroelastic tissue on the eye. Usually extends into the cornea from the nasal side. May be unilateral or bilateral. [AdSense-B] EPIDEMIOLOGYCommon among males, aged of 20-50 yrs. RISK FACTORS- Age: commonly seen in ages between 20-50yrs- Prolonged UV exposure - Male Gender- Living at low altitudes or low precipitate areas CLINICAL FEATURES- Redness, Itching, Irritation, Blurry vision

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