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Acute infection of the prostate gland that causes UTI symptoms and pelvic pain ETIOLOGY / RISK FACTORS BPHGU infections - epididymitis, orchitis, urethritis, UTIHIgh sexual behaviorSTDs, HIV (immunocompromised)PhimosisInvasive prostate manipulations - cystoscopy, transrectal biopsy, transurethral surgery, catheterization, urodynamic ...

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Scleral or Conjunctival pigmentation is a benign and common finding. [AdSense-B] EPIDEMIOLOGYMostly common in light skilled individuals.  RISK FACTORS- Light skinned individuals CLINICAL FEATURES- Stable appearance over time, if change - then suspect melanoma DIAGNOSISBiopsy is the mainstay of diagnosis  MANAGEMENTMonitoring - if appearance and size is stable- if there is any change, refer to ophthalmologist for biopsy and to ...

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Pterygium is a benign growth of fibroelastic tissue on the eye. Usually extends into the cornea from the nasal side. May be unilateral or bilateral. [AdSense-B] EPIDEMIOLOGYCommon among males, aged of 20-50 yrs. RISK FACTORS- Age: commonly seen in ages between 20-50yrs- Prolonged UV exposure - Male Gender- Living at low altitudes or low precipitate areas CLINICAL FEATURES- Redness, Itching, Irritation, Blurry vision

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Here is how the Vitamin D is formed in the body In the skin, UV rays help metabolise 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholecalciferol, which then by 1-alpha hydroxylase, forms 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the liver and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in the kidney. The most accurate form of Vitamin D which is tested to guage vitamin D deficiency in patients, is the 25-Hydroxyvitamin D A ...

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Most frequent GI cause for hospitalization + leading cause of in hospital deaths CLASSIFICATIONSRevised Atlanta Classification- Interstitial edematous acute pancreatitis - Necrotizing acute pancreatitisAccording to Severity - Mild acute pancreatitis - no organ failure/complications - Mod pancreatitis - transient organ failure +/- local or systemic complications - Severe acute pancreatitis - persistent organ failure (> 48hrs) RISK FACTORSGallstones (most common), Alcohol, Hypertriglyceridemia, Post ERCP, Medications, Micro-organisms, Trauma, Genetic risk, Hypercalcemia

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By definition: rise in serum Cr of >0.3 mg/dl within 48 hrs or an increase of 50% serum Cr within 7 days or urine output <0.5 ml/kg/hr for > 6hrs CAUSES - Categorized intoPRERENAL - hypotension, volume depletion (vomiting, sweating, GI loses, hemorrhage, burns), renal artery stenosis, heart failure, ischemic tubular necrosisINTRARENAL - Contrast dye tubular necrosis, NSAIDs, Glumerulonephritis, Acute interstitial nephritis, vasculitis, multiple myeloma POST RENAL - BPH, pregnancy, carcinoma, calculus, clot, stricture, neurogenic ...

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After the Berlin patients 10yrs ago, a second patient has experienced remission from HIV-1 in London. Both of them were treated with stem cell transplants from donors who carried a CCR5-delta 32 gene mutation that made them resistant to HIV. The recently identified patient has been off HIV medications for 18months now. Although the method administered here might not be appropriate for all patients, ...

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It is a medical emergency, that entails compression of lumbar and sacral nerve fibers. RISK FACTORS- Cancers- IV drug use- Immunocompromised state- Trauma CLINICAL PRESENTATION- Low back pain- Sciatica / radicular pain- Lower extremity weakness or numbness- Bladder / Rectal dysfunction- On exam - lumbosacral weakness, decreased dorsiflexion, quad strength, decreased deep tendon reflexes, saddles anesthesia, decreased anal sphincter tone DIAGNOSIS- MRI is the definitive imaging study- CT myelogram ...

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